Today You, Tomorrow Me :: Habitat Loss Human or Otherwise
- Purpose: This project explores the stories of habitat loss due to rising sea levels in the Missippi River Delta of Louisana, illustrating the connected loss of humans and non-humans alike.
- Role: Project Concept, Development, GIS
- Outcomes: Interactive Scrollytelling Website (Mapbox, d3), Conference Talk (NACIS), GIS Analysis
- Context: Graduate Coursework, Team: Dylan Halpern, Rachel Luo, Natalia Coachman, Kathryn Wicks
Today You, Tomorrow Me is a data-journalism story about sea level rise in the Louisiana Delta. The website walks through 10 feet of sea level rise and the associated impacts on animals and humans alike that call the delta home. The dashboard on the left panel shows the remaining unexposed habitat for each of the species included, as well as a graphic representation of the population and housing exposed to sea level rise.
Project Team: Dylan Halpern, Rachel Luo, Natalia Coachman, Kathryn Wicks Completed in 11.454: Big Data Visualization with Sarah Williams and Carlos Sandoval
I was the project lead and was hands on for most of the coding. Rachel Luo and I came up with the concept and gathered most of the data for this project, starting with NOAA sea level rise data (raster, 1ft increments) and Louisiana environmental sensitivity index (ESI) data. This project was present at the North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS) conference in Tacoma, 2019.