Waste Streams
- Purpose: This project brought together several efforts related to autonomous boats in Amsterdam's canals serving to improve waste management problems in the city. Specifically, this illustrated access to the build environment and demands of hotels in the city, together with a new boat design.
- Role: Web development, web design, data visualization
- Outcomes: Website
- Context: Research project website, Senseable City Lab
Access to fixed bins in Amsterdam’s historic city center (Hero Image)
Nearly all households in the historic center of Amsterdam are within a 120m walk of the canals, and many are even closer. This access creates an interesting window of opportunity to start using the canals for the collection of waste- a resident of the historic city center could reach a bin in just a few minutes.
Hotel Dynamic Routing in Amsterdam (Video)
This visualization addresses the question of how can autonomous boats contribute to waste management in the historic center of Amsterdam. Utilizing React/Redux and Deck.gl to visualize simulated boat routes, canal access, and pickup schedules, this part of the larger Roboat project collaborated with Senseable City Lab engineers and researchers.
While other districts in Amsterdam have a well-established and robust network of bins, the fixed receptacles in the historic center cover only a fraction of the district’s needs.
See the visualization at http://senseable.mit.edu/waste-streams